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Appraise-It Pro: Street Maps

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Street Maps in Appraise-It Pro allow you to create accurate and colorful location maps showing the location of your subject, comps and listings anywhere in the United States. It even lets you mark out neighborhood boundaries.

Once you’ve entered all of the addresses you wish to map into your report, go to the Services tab and select Street Maps (or press Ctrl + Shift + i).

When the program launches, you’ll be shown the addresses from your report in a table. Here you can make any changes to the addresses by selecting one, and double clicking.

Above the addresses, checkboxes allow you to choose which address types to show on the map. You can also choose to label the sales comparables as either “Sales” or “Comps”.

At the top there’s also a Preferences tab. Here you can set the label size on the map; choose to show the addresses as either info label balloons or simple arrows; set label options including showing the front view photo and the proximity to the subject, the assessor’s parcel number and the price; set area map border options; set label colors; and set whether or not to transfer the address proximities to the comp and listing grids.

Back over on the Addresses tab, click the Get Map button to geocode your addresses and place them on a map.

If any addresses can’t be found, a message will appear asking you to select the closest matching address. You can then manually move the address to its proper location once the map is displayed.

A location map with the proper dimensions for use on the location map page will then be shown. Here you can click and drag within the map to move it around and either use the zoom slider in the upper right or mouse over the map and use your mouse’s scroll wheel to adjust map zoom.

If you chose Balloons, you can also click and drag a label and move it around so it doesn’t overlap any other labels or important details on the map. If the geolocation on the label was slightly off, you can also click anywhere on the pointer and drag it to a different location.

Finally, if you choose to delete a label from the map, just move the mouse over the label and click the X.

If you chose Arrows in preferences, you can click and drag the arrow to a new location on the map and move your mouse over it to rotate the arrow. If you need to delete a label, click the X.

Above the map editing area, you can switch the map view from street view (“Road”) to Aerial. In addition to allowing you to add more helpful additional map images to your report, this can also make it easier for you to adjust your label placement.

Below you can also add neighborhood boundaries. To draw a neighborhood boundary, click Create, then click on a starting point on the map. Continue moving your pointer and clicking at boundary points to define a polygon superimposed over the neighborhood. To complete the neighborhood boundary, either place the final boundary point and then press Esc, or double-click on the final boundary point. Once you get the neighborhood mapped out, press escape on your keyboard. If you make a mistake or decide you don’t need the neighborhood shown, click Delete and then click inside the neighborhood.

On the right you’ll see a thumbnail of the entire map as it will be shown on the location map page. Below that you can use the pulldown to select which form the map will be transferred to. If you need more general map pages, you can also click the green plus to add new ones to your report.

Below this you can type in a title for your map and choose to transfer the finished map with proximities to the report, to your clipboard if you need to paste it in a document, or save it as a standard BMP, JPG or PNG image image file.

Once transferred to the report, the proximities will be added to the comp grid and the map image will be added to your chosen map addendum.



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Last Updated
June 24, 2020