Knowledge Base

Which listing addenda should I use for AIReady reports?

If you are creating a report that includes listing comps and you will be uploading the report to your client via AIReady, you will want to use the AIReady Generic Listing Comps addenda which were added in Appraise-It 11.0.13. If you are not running Appraise-it 11.0.13 or higher, upgrade Appraise-It to the latest version.

The AIReady Generic Listing Comps addenda were added to your report skeletons just below the Generic Listing Comps addenda already in your reports.

AIReady Listing Addenda

Use these listing addenda exactly as you would the Specific or Generic Listing addenda already in your reports. The new AIReady Listing Comps addenda match AIReady's listing addenda precisely -- previously, either the Specific Listing Comps (in 1004 reports) or the Generic Listing Comps (in all other reports) would be transferred into AIReady's listing addenda, but some fields were missing or extra.

Corresponding AIReady Listing Comparable Photo addenda have been added to your reports as well.

AIReady Listing Photo Addenda

If you are using the Image Manager, these addenda are already accessible from the photo addenda drop-down in the Report Pane of the program, and you can load images into them the same way you would for any other photo addendum.

If you are using Photograph-It Plus, the new AIReady Listing Comparable Photo addenda will not be supported until the release of Photograph-It Plus 21. Until then, you can load your AIReady Listing Comps photos into the Specific Listing Photo addenda in your reports for uploading to AIReady.


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Last Updated
April 05, 2011