Knowledge Base

How do I automatically lock my dimension label in Apex?

By default, Apex Medina requires using the Enter key twice for each line, tapping once to lock the line itself and a second time to lock the dimension label, to allow for manual placement of the dimension label.

If you don't want to have to tap Enter twice for each line, instead accept the automatic dimension label placement, take the following steps.

1. Open Apex Medina and go to Tools.
2. Click on Configuration.
3. Go to the Dimensions tab.
4. In the Placement Mode section, select Automatic.
5. Click OK to close the configuration window and save the new setting.




Apex Medina Configuration

You will now only need to tap the Enter key once per line. 


For Apex version 7:

1. Open Apex and go to Tools.

2. Click on Options.

3. Click on the General option on the left hand column.

4. In the Dimensions Options section, select Auto Placement.

5. Click OK to close the configuration window and save the new setting.




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Last Updated
July 01, 2019